Thursday, September 19, 2024


I really enjoyed looking at Anthony Wiktor because I like the simplicity of his webiste and I like animations he has. He also has a lot of interactive links which I think is cruical when it comes to showing myself and my brand. I did not overly enjoy Callie's blog, I think it is too simple andtoo plain. Me personally, I do not want to click on a website and spend time reading a big chunk of words. Needs to be more simplier and more graphics for my personal site. DEVON STANK. This webiste was the one that stood out to me a lot and I will b looking at his wesbite for inspiration when building mine. I absoultley love his webiste, the layout, the simplicity with a lot of photos showcasing himself.

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I really enjoyed looking at Anthony Wiktor because I like the simplicity of his webiste and I like animations he has. He also has a lot of ...