Thursday, September 19, 2024


I really enjoyed looking at Anthony Wiktor because I like the simplicity of his webiste and I like animations he has. He also has a lot of interactive links which I think is cruical when it comes to showing myself and my brand. I did not overly enjoy Callie's blog, I think it is too simple andtoo plain. Me personally, I do not want to click on a website and spend time reading a big chunk of words. Needs to be more simplier and more graphics for my personal site. DEVON STANK. This webiste was the one that stood out to me a lot and I will b looking at his wesbite for inspiration when building mine. I absoultley love his webiste, the layout, the simplicity with a lot of photos showcasing himself.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Exploring Brand Guides

The two brands I hose to analyize for this assignment was Amazaon and Linked In. First of up is Amazon; The logo of Amazon must be at least bigger than one inch to make sure it is well seen for maximum engagement. Amazon corporate colors are black and orange and must appear in Amazon Orange: Hex #FF9900 and Amazon Black: Hex #00000. It is important that the logois not altered in anyway making sure the logois is unproportionate or the wrong color. This could indicate a false advertisment or website.The main takeaway from Amazon's logo is correct CTA and Logo placement to further ensure as many websites clicks as possible. The meaning behind Amaazon's logo isa visual odyssey that showcases the brands ever-expanding ambitions. Jeff Bezos vision with the logo initally started with his dream about space travel. Amazon played aroung with designs, but started with an "A" with negative space to portary a memorable logo just like a book. It underwent many design stages to try craft the perfect logo. The curvy line under the logo represetns a smile which became a curve that connected everything. Amazon grew to become one of the largest websites to this day, and the now the arrow points to the letters "A" and "Z" to symbolyze that Amazon has everything you could need through a-z. Here is the source I used:
The second Brand I chose to analyze is Linked in. Linked in has kept the logo in blue as it has evolved from black and blue to showcase it is a trsuted and professional network. The design reflects stability and reliabilty in te brand's identity. The blue in linked in symbolizes trsut, reliabilty, and communication. It proves it readability to make sure it is visually appealing on the web in various sizes and formats. Linked in strives to be consisent with their logo and legible so it is easy to see for the user. The default logo is blue, but black or white variations can be used incase it is placed on a similiar color to contrast the logo. The minimum size of the logo is .25in in print or 21 pixels on screen measured by the height of the bug. The logo must also contain the trademark after the "in" in a large enough print as, t-shirt, or video. Here is the Link to the website used to help write my findings: :

Wednesday, September 4, 2024


Personal Brand Worksheet

- One thing I am most passionate about is my music tatse. Everytime someone tells me to play music I feel I play plethroa of generes. Music also puts me in a good state of mind when I feel like things are out of my control, I can tune into music and I feel at ease. One thing I also love to do is cook. When I have the right ingredients I feel like I can make incredible dishes. I feel cheated when I am at school and I have no money or time to make nutritous meals. - My personal attributes: Rebellious, humorous, outgoing, logical. -Professional experiences I have that relfect me as a person is having a serving or bartending job. Dealing with the public is not easy and being under emmense pressure while doing it is hard. Jumbling eight tables all with specific orders trying to stay on top of everything is diffcult. It taught me patience, teammwork and work ethic. The faster you move and work together the more money you will walk out with at the end of the night. - Something I think I offer that sets me apart from my peers is standing up for myself and advocating in tough situations. Being a student-athlete I ahve had to learn when to put myself first and stand up for others when they do not know how to. I think it is a fine line when it comes to college sports even on a schoalrship. Our brians are wrapped into thinking to confide with what is told, even when our minds do not agree. - Advocate, strong-minded

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

The 25-year Bet About Technology

-Kevin Kelly was born in Pennsylvania 1952, and he is the founding executive editor of Wired magazine. He was also a former editer and publisher for the Whole Earth Review. He started his career mainly by editing and starting up his own magazine. Whole Earth found his work and was hired in 1983. -Kirkpatrick Sale is widley known for his "bioregionalism". This led to his development in books, regualar radio, and broadcasts. Kirkpatrick attended Cornell Univsersity, the family insstituition. He first started his studied as hitsory, but sought intrerst in journalism. Sale incountered a protest where school administrators were in charge of moral probity. He was enraged by this proposal, so he got 15,000 people to demonstrate unchaperoned coeds from off-campus parties. Sale was suspended and so was his roomate. -The main conflict between the two was that Kelly had just read an upciming book, called Rebels Agaisnt the Future. Sales adored the Luddites. In 1995 major companies were just starting to come around like, Amazon, Apple and Microsoft. Sales believed that we are moving too fast and complaining about moderninity. He believed that technology would make life worse for humans. Kelly hates Sale's book and was insulting the sense of the world. They ended up pulling a meeting for ach other with a tape recorderand started a brawl. They were arguring about the Amish, forests and the impact of technology on work, and how some things could not make anyother way. And of course, Sales argued that our society is only collapsing. -Sales wrote in his book how he predicited when society would collapse. He predicited that it would be no more than a few decades. Kelly believed in the opposite and challenges Sakle exactly when this would hapen.They bet on the year 2020. Kelly went to Sale's apartment and wrote out 1,000$ check that was joint account with his wife. He said "I bet you 1,000$ that in the year 2020, we're not even close to the kind of disaster you describe." -Econmic collapse- Sale predicited flatly that the dollar and other accepted currencies would be worthless in 2020. Now there are new electronic currency such as Bitcoin. -Global Enviromental Disaster- Kelly argued the worsening of climate change. Fires, floods, bugs, diseases etc. the only way to solve these large growing issues fast and effienctly is with technology. -The War Between the Rich and Poor- Sales worried about the inequailty on social status. The article states that he would be even more shocked to see how it is today. -“Kirk must hit the trifecta to win, meaning that all three horses of his apocalypse must come through,” Patrick wrote. “Only one of his predictions was a winner; one came in neck and neck; and one was way back in the pack.” On December 31, Patrick declared Kelly in the winner in an email to the bettors.I agree with the turnout on the bet. Kelly hit more points when staying true to the decided topic. - I think other areas that should have been affected was the econmy. Malls, offices, work places are running people out of their jobs because everything is moving digital. ANother thing that should have been covered was schooling. Professors, courses and homework is now AI generated, so how true and accurate is it? I would include ecomony and global disater as welll in my judgement. -A couple of changes I think that will happen in the next 25 years will be a lot. I think our world is moving really fast and I think there will be drones flying packages and grocies to people's houses. I feel like there will be brain chips to where you can make phone calls through your mind or text people. I also think robots or AI will take over counters, phones and workers.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024


"I used to sleep at night" before the flashing lights settled deep in my brain. He is saying that he doesnt feel like he is his true self anymore. Our lives are changing fast and he hopes some part of humamity will stay pure. We used to go outside to walk or play, but now we are just connected to lights.


I really enjoyed looking at Anthony Wiktor because I like the simplicity of his webiste and I like animations he has. He also has a lot of ...